
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Best Breakfast Ever

Breakfast is the most important meal of the also happens to be so versatile. Steak? Sure. Whipped cream with fruit? Okay, fine. Guacamole, sour cream, beans placed on top of problem.

Yet, I prefer the good classics...the symbol of manhood...two eggs, bacon, toast, and homefries. There is no meal that so combines all the splendors of breakfast (besides the pancake) onto one dish.

That being said, while Belly Busters was out doing the FDR Challenge, after a long night of booze and tomfoolery, we happened to stumble upon the greatest breakfast I have ever the Blue Sky Cafe in Bethlehem PA

It's like your good ole' coffee shop that happens to have a grill in the middle of the joint with tables scattered all around. Why was it so good? The great selections of different kind of breakfast items yet having the basics down so well, I can say that it simply was the best. For example, one of us ordered this:

Above is the sweet potato quesadilla, a favorite among the staff. On top of the tortilla are scrambled eggs with dabs of shredded cheese and beans with sour cream to top it off. At first, this may seem slightly unappetizing. Yet, once you taste the sweetness of the potato and the cheese, you'll quickly be wondering why this hasn't been done before.

On top, is the more traditional breakfast and simply put: this was the best eggs, homefries, and toast I have ever had...even though the bacon was delicious, there does exist better. But why you ask? It's just a normal breakfast. First off, the eggs were cooked perfectly...but perfectly, there was not one grill mark on any part of the egg. The homefries were mixed with peppers, hot sauce, onions, and topped with cheese...unbelievable. The's where simple things go a long way. The toast was thick...probably about an inch or so. Along with the eggs, there was not one grill mark on them--it was as if (and probably so) someone focused solely on making my breakfast perfect and there wasn't ten other orders they were thinking about.

Anyway, if you happen to be in Bethlehem PA (which you probably won't)...definitely check this place out and get the best breakfast you'll ever have.

4 out of 4 Belly Bustins'

Monday, July 12, 2010


In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, there isn't much. A college, a couple run down bars that mirror the once powerful steel-mill. However, small sparkles of hope are glittered around the town. One of them being the new Sands Casino; the other, Roosevelt's 21 and the FDR Challenge.

Roosevelt's 21 is a small sports bar with a huge item on the menu that forced Belly Busters to go down there and attempt the challenge. The FDR Challenge consists of: three 1/2 pound burgers, slices of pork, with LTB (lettuce, tomato, bacon) and onion with spicy mayonnaise...oh, not to mention 1.5 pounds of chili cheese fries. Plainly put, the burger is absolutely massive and very delicious.

The challenge is reminiscent of Sliders BUT with one difference: the food tastes much better and the chili-cheese fries proves to be more of a difficulty to fight through. Were we able to do it in under 30 minutes to get the free meal?

Unfortunately, no...but it still was fun to look at. The taste was great but after the first burger, it was difficult to fight through, especially with the fries that still loomed in the distance.

Still it was a fun time and provided laughs for not only us, but the waitress staff and a couple locals...isn't that what really counts?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dot Marks the Spot

The pancake has been around since the medieval period; it was originally made as an item that used up all the store items before lent. Over time, it has become part of the world cuisine with the French using "crepes", the Asians having many variations, and even the Australians who use it more as an afternoon tea-time snack.

The culmination of centuries of refinement have landed right down in Woodbury, Connecticut at Dottie's Diner (previously known as "Phillips"). As soon as you walk in, you will be greeted by the line of patrons who are waiting for a table, but usually, the counter has plenty of space. Behind the array of people, the Doughnut booth resides. Quite possibly the best doughnuts you may ever eat, Dottie's gives a sneak-peak at what is in store for their pancakes (which uses the same batter).

Busters ordered the short stack plain pancakes with a side of bacon. When going to a place for the first time, always try to get what they are best known for in the purest form. The pancakes were grilled to absolute perfection; the top was browned long enough as to hold the inside firmly in place but the inside, was smooth, soft, moist and cake-like, creating a perfect contrast. You can tell there is a hint of Cinnamon that really works well with the confectionery sugar. Plain and simple, delicious and elegant...the perfect American breakfast.

Again, look at the side of these of pancakes. How many times do you go into those cheap-ass diners and you get those paper-thin pancakes that taste like all griddle grease? NO! THIS is what a pancake should be...the thickness was about an inch and 1/2.

We also ordered real-maple syrup which was an interesting experience...real-maple syrup is much, much lighter (believe it or not) than the manufactured maple syrup. However, the sweetness factor is much more organic tasting.

All-in-all, if you live in Connecticut (which you probably do) and you love breakfast (which you probably do) and you love pancakes (which if you are alive you probably do), then you need to probably get down to Dottie's Diner in Woodbury and treat yourself to what a pancake should be.

3 Belly Bustins out of 4.

P.S. Look at next week when we go down to Bethlehem PA where PAUL BLOOODDD is going to attempt the FDR Food Challenge (3 1/2 pound burgers, 3 pork rolls, 3 fried eggs, 6 slices of bacon, lettuce, tomato, and 1.5 pounds of chili cheese fries in UNDER 30 minutes!)